On completion of our Fight for Camera workshop all students become members of NZSS and have access to attend our regular members only training and our more specialised workshops Specialised Stunt Workshops. Check out our page to find out more. Members are also invited to join our agency NZAT https://www.nzactiontalent.com, where we can start putting you forward for action based work that arises ( i.e Stunt work, Action Acting, Action Extras etc) The agency supplies stunt and action personnel for film, television, TV commercials, music videos, live shows, and promotions
Our focus has always been to make sure that when an opportunity arises for you to show what you are capable of at a casting studio or on set, then at the very least you will put your best foot forward and know what is expected of you. All our members are mentored and supported by our world class team throughout their journey into the stunt industry.